Don't throw away, recycle!

Get an extra 5% off your next purchase if you return the empty box to us for recycling.

Recent decades have seen an increased trend of plastic waste on our planet. As much as 39.9% of the plastic in the member states of the European Union is used to make packaging. And only 32.5% of plastic waste is recycled.

8 million pieces of plastic are thrown into the ocean every year. Pollution threatens wildlife, alters ecosystems and creates risks to human health.

100 million marine animals die annually from such waste alone. The pharmaceutical industry is responsible for 300 million tonnes of waste per year, half of which consists of single-use plastics. Imagine if all pharmaceutical supplies were made from recyclable plastic and could be recycled again after use. We can save the Earth's ecosystem with only one single effort - by taking care of the cleanliness of the environment.

Therefore, we urge you to return your used box and in return you will receive an additional 5% discount on your next order. Don't throw away, recycle instead! Taking care of the environment is taking care of ourselves. We must not forget that we are part of nature and our health depends on our individual actions.

When purchasing a product from the KRILIXIR series of innovative nutritional supplements, you will receive a return form for the empty packaging.

Address to which you can send the parcel: village Oreshak 5630, municipality Troyan, 123 "Stara Planina" St. For more information, call +359 695 22292.

The return of the packaging is done through Econt , and the delivery will be at our expense .

Let's be responsible for both our health and the future of the Earth together!

European Parliament